because the night is too young

because the night is too young

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Recently, I have been blogging on my school's blog on behalf of the SIM Netball Club.
Just last month, my post was selected to be the best post and was featured on the school's facebook page. Which makes me wonder, do I really have a flair for writing? Do I actually want to become a blogger/go into the writing industry?

Been starting on the planner trend. I have always been using a planner but recently, the trend of decorating your planner has been hot. Was thinking of starting a planner blog, to show my journey as I attempt onto this planner path. But I guess I got to be diligent about it. I am thinking that if I do start one, do I start a separate blog or do I do tabs? I have a wordpress that I am pretty sure is rotting away because I haven't been doing my nails. so I really don't know where I should start. Really need to give this some serious thought as I do feel a strong passion towards it :D

School has been fine. Got back 2 assignments, both A grade. I guess I am really walking on the right path this time. No time to give up now. Gotta keep the engine going all the way to May 2016.

Birthday is in a few weeks' time. Can't wait!

Lotsa love,
Carmen Sarah

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