because the night is too young

because the night is too young

Friday, November 30, 2012

I turned 20!

Currently in the middle of Economics tutorial. Class was supposed to start by 0830 but I reached at 0900 and he actually stopped at 0911. Hahaha. It's not just Q&A session so I don't exactly see a point in listening. I'm practically just staying to make the time I took to travel to school seem worth it.

Oh! and I've yet to mention. I turned 20 over the weekends! I was surprised at the shop by my girls on the 23rd, my family brought me out for dinner on 24th and surprised me with a chocolate birthday cake from Four Leaves at midnight of the 25th! (: Yes I did have a wonderful birthday.

I might do some promoting of this awesome Facebook page that I chanced upon selling cosmetics are really really cheap prices! I bought a 96 ultra shimmer colours eyeshadow palette for only $16. U.P. is $18 but she was so specific with her stock that she thoroughly checked all of it and discounted the price according to the damage. See if I have the time (:

YAY class has ended! ^^

Lotsa love,
Carmen Sarah

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