because the night is too young

because the night is too young

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mood: Pissed off

I am extremely pissed off and it is probably inappropriate to express such annoyance on my public blog but I am really irritated by my sister's dance seniors. SAJC dance by the way. Do not assume that I am just completely biased against SAJC because I have friends from SAJC. Neither do you go about thinking I am just hating on dancers. I have really good friends from SAJC dance, reason why I went to the one 2 years back and the one this year. So i am not biased at all. I am just particularly annoyed at how 18 year olds think everybody owes them a favour and they should all do charity work for them. Sorry kids, but not all things are for free. In fact, time and effort equates to money. Welcome to the real world.

Reason for my annoyance: My sister was appointed as welfare head for her school dance CCA. To every normal CCA, welfare head do not exactly do much. They just make sure the first aid kit is there, somebody's birthday is coming up, etc. So yes, I guess giving her the Rapture Concert dvds to burn for anybody else who wants it is a relevant task for a welfare head. My sister however, is not much of a tech-savvy person. Hence, we got my boyfriend to help out. DO NOT PRESUME WE'RE TRYING TO EXTORT MONEY BECAUSE WE'RE LIKE TOGETHER OR SOMETHING! That I must point out really clearly. The only reason why I stated $10 because well, I don't know how to charge. I mean you get somebody to burn many copies of a particular concert it is usually that price right? Tell me if I'm wrong. I will admit I am wrong because this is the area I am really unsure about. I asked my sister to ask her friends how much are they willing to pay. Their reply: "can give free?" Seriously?!

Time and effort are extremely expensive. I mean I think you should appreciate how much my boyfriend has put into making sure the quality of the ultra huge video file, (which by the way is 3 huge files) is the same as the original copy and compressed it so that it can fit into 1 disc. I mean anybody would rather watch a video on 1 disc than 3 discs, which whoever the idiot who first burned it was not tech-savvy enough to compress it. (Are you sure you are a qualified video guy who can't do video editing? You even had some parts cut off. HUH?!) I am sincerely apologetic for even stating such a high price of $10 because I am not someone qualified to actually mark a price on items. But at the very least, with some basic manners, I think negotiating a price would have made the situation so much easier. By simply saying you want it free is as good as saying you do not appreciate the efforts made by the person who gave his time to convert/compress your dance video. Yes we can make do with the fancy cover and whatever. The disc he has to buy, the cover he has to buy (well duh he can't be giving you a cd wrapped in unwanted A4 paper right?). Now calculate that with the time and effort (don't forget electricity because he is using his com to burn for you all), I personally feel $5 is enough to cover the cost of the required equipments and be a token of "hey I appreciate your help. Thank you."

Best part of all these, my little sister is actually having her promotional examinations now and her seniors started texting her at about 1230am just now. SHE HAS A PAPER TOMORROW! SHE NEEDS SLEEP! ARE YOU PEOPLE REALLY THAT INCONSIDERATE?! Yes I am not the type to study and I probably don't give a fuck, but my sister does and you people shall not jeopardize her studies, YOU HEAR ME?! You people throw her so much more shit than a welfare head should be doing and yet you impose so much onto her. So much for "sorry to disturb you during your promos." FUCK YOU! And if any of you come across my blog, feel free to comment. I am disgusted by your incorrigible, ungrateful attitude, you bunch of ingrates. and I REPEAT! I am not being biased against anything because I have wonderful friends who have come out from SAJC/SA DANCE.

I am done ranting.

Lotsa love,
Carmen Sarah

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