because the night is too young

because the night is too young

Monday, June 17, 2013


A few weeks back, Boyf and I went to Legoland Malaysia with our friends Anna and Junyi! I never really got about to putting my pictures on my personal blog, so now I have finally found the time! We had such a fun day but only because we had the right company. Legoland is an interactive place which is more suited for families with young children instead of young adults. However, if you are a young adult with a kid in you, you will definitely have fun as long as you are with your friends. (:

Alright, time for pictures!!

If you all are planning to go, I suggest you head on to because they have a package for Legoland! $59.90 per person inclusive of 2-way coach transport, Legoland entry ticket and insurance! I had fun there so go ahead and enjoy yourself ^^

Lotsa love,
Carmen Sarah

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