because the night is too young

because the night is too young

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Are boys jerks or are girls bitches?

Hello everybody, I am really bored in the office and some crap has been happening to me, so I thought I should blog about it.

Honestly speaking, not all of them are. I mean they can be mean to other girls, but I guess when they meet the right girl, they are the perfect guy for her. They would be all sweet, buying flowers, bringing her out on dates. And then you'll realize that, you're not upset because he left you. You're upset because you're jealous. Jealous that she gets pampered by him now and not you. I mean if you're not right for someone, you're not right. So i guess maybe sometimes guys just don't know how to end things properly and just completely mishandle the issue. I mean they try to end things, but they know the girl is gonna cry, and if she cries, he can't hug her because it will make the whole thing more complicated so best would be to walk away and act mean. You get the picture? Probably the jerks are those that try damn bloody hard to chase you, do all the things to attract your attention and once you start to get interested, they just leave. (Experienced by a friend and by me). But I am sure not all are like that. So yea, that's my very unbiased conclusion.

Well, true, girls can be the players and start messing around with guys (I know of some.) And please note that even though I am a girl, doesn't mean I would be biased towards my own gender. I do agree some can be a real pain in the ass. -.- But don't you think the girl with the strongest personality can actually have the weakest heart? I mean, you think about it. She is so strong, pushing away guys, not letting them get close to her or even if she does let them close, she knows it isn't going to last, and hence she don't get attached. Yet the moment a guy breaks right through all these layers and actually gets her interested, she can actually be broken really badly. Any girl would be affected by a guy who tries really hard and really long to get her attention and into her good books, and then suddenly he just disappears or he just leaves. I mean if more guys are gonna keep doing that to a girl, she's bound to actually give up on guys right? How would she actually bring herself to trust again? Hence the "bitch" image is form as she enjoys getting pampered but just don't let herself be together with any guy and ends up rejecting them.

I guess, nobody is a real bitch or jerk. Everyone wants to be loved. Girls want to be pampered, guys want to be cared for. Girls want hugs and kisses. Guys want listening ears. All still human and nobody wants to get hurt. I guess with our own senses and instincts, we should learn how to pick out who are worth our attention and who deserves to see our vulnerable side.

This post is very intellectual that it freaks me out. okay I should head off to meet my friends. Ciaos (:

Lotsa love,
Carmen Sarah

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